Driver Easy Has More Powerful Scanning Servers Now!

Sophie Luo

Driver Easy 5.0.7 is now officially released! You are more than welcome to download it and try it out.

We have modified inaccurate translations in different languages in this new version. More importantly, we have added more high performance scanning servers which allow more users to enjoy a better scanning experience. The scanning process for new or missing drivers will be much smoother and faster. Why not have a try now?

We have been working to improve our product so as to provide a better and better user experience for our valued users. As the user base of Driver Easy increasing, a faster and smoother scanning speed is required. So we decided to improve the scanning services of Driver Easy by adding more powerful scanning servers. This will allow users to enjoy a better scan process than ever before.

As always, you are more than welcome to tell us what do you think about his new version after your trial. Your satisfaction is the power for us to move further and aim higher.   


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