Common Errors

System Recourse A system resource is any usable part of a computer that can be controlled and assigned by the operating system so all of the hardware and software on the computer can work together as designed. Hardware and software need a way to communicate with each other, and they do so by using a […]

A number of issues cause vertical lines on your computer screen, ranging from software incompatibilities with the computer’s drivers to hardware problems involving the magnetic field of the monitor. Errors like: my screen has vertical lines causing the screen to look 3D without 3D glasses. There are two general solutions for fixing the problem: Updating […]

If you meet this error code: INET_E_ RESOURCE_NOT_ FOUND on your Microsoft Edge, don't worry. You can fix the error code INET_E_ RESOURCE_NOT_ FOUND with the solutions in this article.

If your PS4 not syncing to the console, use the solutions in this article to fix the problem.

Solved and fixed Windows 10 high CPU usage in task manager caused by IAStorDataSvc (32 bit) application, which belongs to Intel Rapid Storage Technology.

Solved The disk is write-protected. Remove the write-protection or use another disk"error on Windows 10 in two methods: modify Registry & clear read only.

If your Kodi stops working, don't worry. You can use methods in this post to fix it easily & quickly.

If you run into Netflix proxy error, don't worry. You can fix it easily with one of the methods in this article. All steps are easy to follow.

It's annoying when you run Steam but it stuck in "Installing Update". Don't worry, you can try methods in this post to resolve this issue.

It’s very frustrating when you push the power button but Windows failed to start. Don’t worry, Windows has put a lot of effort to make this problem easy to fix. And this post will guide you how to fix it. Before starting any fixes, make sure the power cable is connected with your computer firmly. […]