After upgrading system to Windows 10 or performing a Windows 10 update, if you encounter no sound issue with Conexant SmartAudio HD, you can try solutions below
to fix the problem. 

Solution 1: Update the Conexant SmartAudio HD Driver

The problem most probably is caused by driver issues. Windows upgrade or update may remove the driver or may cause the driver to be incompatible. So updating the Conexant SmartAudio HD driver mostly would get the sound back.

Usually, you can download drivers from device manufacturer or PC manufacturer. Conexant does not produce drivers themselves. If you are using a brand computer, go to your PC manufacturer’s website to download the driver. If not, you can go to the motherboard manufacturer’s website to download the driver. Drivers can always be downloaded in Support or Download section of the website. 

If you have no idea how to update the driver manually, you can use Driver Easy to help you. Driver Easy is a driver update tool which is compatible with Windows 10. You can use it to scan your computer to detect problem drivers in your computer. If the Conexant SmartAudio HD driver is missing or outdated, it will provide a new driver for you to update.

Driver Easy has Free version and Professional version. If you want to have all drivers downloaded and installed automatically, it is recommended that you use the Professional version. With Professional version, you can enjoy free technical support guarantee and 30-day money back guarantee. Driver Easy Professional support team will give you further assistance regarding your Conexant SmartAudio HD no sound issue if you need. 

Solution 2: Disable All Audio Enhancements

1. Right-click on the sound icon in bottom right corner of desktop and select Playback devices.

2. Select Speakers (Should show Conexant SmartAudio HD) and right-click on it. Click Properties in pop-up menu. 

3. Click Enhancements tab. Check the box next to Disable all enhancements (For some Windows version, you may see Disable all sound effects here.), then click Apply button.

Solutions above may help resolve the Conexant SmartAudio HD no sound issue for Windows 10.

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