The Download Bandwidth of Driver Easy Has Increased to 3700Mbps

Camilla Mo

In the beginning of 2016, we are excited to announce that the download bandwidth of Driver Easy has increased to 3700Mbps.   To get higher download bandwidth, we added several high quality servers. Driver Easy is having more and more customers. So it is necessary to buy more high quality servers. The more servers, the less network traffic problems. With enough high quality servers, you won’t encounter download problems caused by overload server issues.   More bandwidth allows you to transmit more data in parallel. The 3700 Mbps bandwidth is high enough to guarantee every user gets much transmit data at any one time. It means you still can have high download speed even when dozens of other people are using Driver Easy to download drivers.   Our first priority is your satisfaction. We hope you can enjoy using Driver Easy and find it useful. If you have any idea or suggestions about Driver Easy, you can click here to contact us.   Wish you a happy new year.

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Camilla, a certified MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional), has almost four years technical writing experience. Before working as a technical writer for Driver Easy, she was a technical support agent, helping people to solve their computer problems. She enjoys providing solutions to computer problems and loves exploring new technologies.

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)